9 Proven Ways to Secure a Door That Opens Outward

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably got an outward-opening door and are wondering how to keep it secure. You’ve come to the right place. Securing your home is crucial, and doors that open outward can pose specific challenges.

But don’t worry; we’re going to tackle this head-on and give you all the info you need to make sure your door is as secure as Fort Knox.

The Science of Outward-Opening Doors

Unlike their inward-opening counterparts, these doors swing outwards into the exterior space, which means the hinges are exposed on the outside. While this design can offer benefits like saving indoor space and better wind resistance, it also comes with its own set of challenges when it comes to security.

Outward-opening doors are often seen in commercial settings, but they’re becoming more popular in residential homes too. Understanding how they work will help us figure out the best ways to secure them.

Why Should I Make My Outward Door Secure?

So what are the vulnerabilities here? The most obvious one is those exposed hinges. Since they’re on the outside, they can be tampered with more easily than inward-opening doors. There’s also the issue of potential kick-ins, as the door swings outwards rather than inwards, making it easier to force open if not properly secured.

Another concern is the limited use of security chains and bars, which are typically designed for inward-swinging doors. But don’t panic, We’ve got solutions for all these issues.

9 Ways to Secure an Outward-Opening Door

Now, let’s dive into the real meat of the matter—how to secure that door! Here are nine detailed methods to help you out.

1. Install Hinge Bolts or Security Hinges

Hinge bolts, also known as hinge pins, are an effective way to beef up your door’s security. These bolts are installed in the door frame and engage with the door when it’s closed, preventing it from being lifted off its hinges. Alternatively, you can replace traditional hinges with security hinges, which have non-removable pins.

2. Use a Door Brace

A door brace can provide an extra layer of security. This device typically consists of a metal bar that you place against the door and the floor. When someone tries to force the door open, the brace holds it in place. They’re easy to install and can be removed quickly when you need to use the door.

3. Upgrade Your Locks

Standard locks might not cut it for outward-opening doors. Consider upgrading to high-security deadbolts or multi-point locking systems. These locks provide additional points of contact between the door and the frame, making it much harder to force open.

4. Add a Security Bar or Rod

Security bars or rods that fit across the width of your door can prevent it from being forced open. These are especially useful for outward-opening doors because they add a physical barrier that’s tough to break through.

5. Reinforce the Door Frame

Don’t overlook the importance of a sturdy door frame. Reinforcing your door frame with metal plates or additional wood can make a big difference. A reinforced frame can absorb more impact and resist attempts to force the door open.

6. Install a Peephole or Smart Doorbell

Knowing who’s at your door before opening it is crucial for security. A peephole provides a simple but effective way to see outside without compromising your safety. For a more high-tech solution, consider installing a smart doorbell with a camera. These devices can stream video to your phone, allowing you to see who’s there even when you’re not home.

7. Use Security Film on Glass Panels

If your outward-opening door has glass panels, they can be a weak point. Applying security film to the glass makes it much harder to shatter, adding an extra layer of protection. This film can hold the glass together even if it’s broken, preventing intruders from reaching inside to unlock the door.

8. Install Motion Sensor Lights

Lighting is a great deterrent for would-be intruders. Installing motion sensor lights around your entryway can make it less appealing for someone to try and break in. These lights turn on automatically when they detect movement, illuminating the area and drawing attention to any suspicious activity.

9. Set Up Security Cameras

Last but certainly not least, consider installing security cameras around your property. Modern security cameras can provide high-definition video, night vision, and remote access from your smartphone. Having cameras visible can also act as a powerful deterrent, making intruders think twice before attempting a break-in.

Go One Step Further In Securing Your Door That Opens Outward

Securing your door is just the beginning. Here are some extra tips to keep your home safe:

  • Regular Maintenance: Check your door, locks, and security features regularly to ensure everything is in good working order.
  • Routine Checks: Make it a habit to check that all doors and windows are locked before leaving the house or going to bed.
  • Home Automation: Consider integrating your security measures with a home automation system. This setup allows you to control and monitor your security features remotely.
  • Neighborhood Watch: Get to know your neighbors and consider forming a neighborhood watch group. Keeping an eye out for each other can significantly enhance overall security.

Wrap Up – Final Words

Securing an outward-opening door may seem daunting, but with the right steps, you can turn it into a fortress. From installing hinge bolts to setting up security cameras, there are plenty of ways to enhance your door’s security and protect your home. Remember, the key to peace of mind is a well-secured entryway.

Take action today and start implementing these strategies to keep your home safe and secure. And if you found this guide helpful, feel free to share it with others who might benefit from these tips!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are outward-opening doors less secure than inward-opening doors?

A: Not necessarily. While they do have unique security challenges, following the methods outlined above can make outward-opening doors just as secure as inward-opening ones.

Q: Can I install these security features myself, or do I need a professional?

A: Many of these features, like hinge bolts and door braces, can be installed by a handy homeowner. However, for more complex upgrades like multi-point locking systems or security cameras, you might want to consider hiring a professional.

Q: How often should I check my door’s security features?

A: It’s a good idea to inspect your door and its security features at least once a month. Regular maintenance can help catch any issues early and keep your home secure.

Q: What if I have a rental property?

A: If you’re renting, check with your landlord before making any significant changes. Many landlords will appreciate the added security measures, but it’s always best to get permission first.

Q: Are there any smart home devices that can enhance door security?

A: Yes, smart locks, doorbell cameras, and home automation systems can all play a significant role in enhancing your door’s security. These devices offer convenience and peace of mind, especially when integrated into a comprehensive home security system.

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